Young in Gold Blog

I created this space to share experiences of the process of accepting and redefining age from forty-two and on. I wanted to understand age on a deeper level and do what was necessary to support it instead of the resistance that I was feeling. During the process, I found a new happy. And, I started to live it, I started to young it!

Please note that my style of writing is informal. It’s not about the grammar, punctuation and sentence structure etc. Though, I will do my best. My aim is to be real, however that comes out because it’s about my experiences. Thanks for your understanding.

For all questions, please email: [email protected].

Copyright: All content and photos.

Young in Gold

Embrace the Golden Ages

Join me on this journey!

Discover the beauty of aging gracefully

What is this blog

This blog is about experiences I had while choosing to live from the ages of forty two and on and fighting to keep a young and healthy vibe.

Why is it important to

Embracing aging is important because it allows us to live with a certain kind of satisfaction to keep harmony in the mind, soul, and body. It helps us build the best relationship with ourselves.

How can I age gracefully?

To age gracefully, choose life – to live, breathe, accept the aging process, decide how you want to experience this process, focus on self-care/love, your health, your body, movement, and wellness. Embrace changes, stay active, maintain good relationships, and find value in your own self.

What can I expect from this?

This blog provides insights, tips, and experiences on aging. It aims to help you ask the questions that are important to you and your aging process and to inspire and motivate you to live it.

Choose your Motto for aging!

What will it be? What music will you play? Enjoy it.


Jimi Hendrix

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace”.

Music doesn’t lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music”.

~ Jimi Hendrix.